1864 Letter Signed by General Benjamin F. Butler — Exchange of Lieut. Benjamin S. Calef, 2nd U.S. Sharpshooters
Archive of Letters by Private Albert C. Brown, 16th Maine — Siege of Petersburg
1862 Confederate Telegram from Colonel James Chesnut to General Maxcy Gregg, Regarding Cavalry Squadron Sent to Pocotaligo, South Carolina
June 1864 Letter by Confederate Major General Samuel Jones to South Carolina Governor Milledge Bonham — Overstepping Bounds in Orders to Militia Regiment
1863 Document Providing for Financial Support for Families of Wisconsin Men in the Service — Samuel Sax, 9th Wisconsin Battery
1862 Letter by New York Soldier Describing Fighting of 5th New York Zouaves at Battle of Gaines' Mill — "Mother, I don’t know but what you think I am killed or wounded, but I ain’t hurt"
Archive of Letters and Documents by Assistant Surgeon Joseph B. Barclay, 209th Pennsylvania — Siege of Petersburg — Battle of Chaffin's Farm and New Market Heights — Battle of Darbytown Road
Texas History — 1856 Broadside Advertising Pensions and Bounty Lands for Heirs of the "Struggle of the Texans for their Independence"
1862 Letter by Private Albert Lane, 35th Ohio — Siege of Corinth — "Yesterday morning 'the Long Roll' beat in our camp, the enemy having made a demonstration on our Right Wing"
1864 Letter by Confederate Soldier W. F. Scott — Skirmish at Morton's Ford — "We have been down on the river to meet the yankees"
1863 Letter by Private N. Miller, 127th Illinois — Battle of Chickasaw Bayou — "We fought about all day, crawling among logs and brush, sometimes lying flat upon the ground when shells came among us"
1860 Letter by Ambassador William Preston, Minister to Spain, Months Before Resigning to Join Confederacy — "There is no longer violence, rage, & fury, but the apathy that precedes death"
Christmas 1862 Letter by Sergeant Herbert Merriam, 44th Massachusetts — Foster's Goldsboro Expedition — Accounts of Battles of Kinston and White Hall — Destruction of Railroad
1864 Letter by Lt. Mathias E. Richards, Aide to Gen. Joseph J. Bartlett — June 18 Attack at Petersburg — "We have driven him out of several lines of works but he falls back into others ready prepared"
1862 Letter by Private Levi Lewis, 35th Alabama Infantry — Second Battle of Corinth — "The General says that the 35th saved him, and that is a great prize, for is though we did not flinch."
1863 Letter by General Henry Shaw Briggs — Commanding Draft Rendezvous Camp — Gen. Devens "says that he is mortified and pained 'at the failure of the draft in Mass.'—that it will not yield 3,000 men"
1864 Letter by Corporal DeElton F. Joslin, 16th New York Heavy Artillery — Battle of New Market Heights — "My Regt was the nearest Regt in line of battle to Richmond City that has been since the war"
1861 Letter by General John G. Barnard, Chief Engineer, Army of the Potomac — Transfer of Artillery Between Forts — "You may send down two of the those siege guns (24”) to Fort Lyon from Fort Scott"
Archive of Letters by Private DeWitt C. Ormsbee, 1st Vermont Heavy Artillery — Battles of Winchester and Fisher's Hill — Burning of the Shenandoah Valley — Rebels Use Colored Troops at Petersburg
1865 Letter by Surgeon Charles N. Dennison, 8th Illinois Infantry, Relating News of the Death of Lieutenant Louis Butler, 46th Illinois
1862 Letter by Gen. John J. Peck to New York Gov. Edwin D. Morgan, Re: 62nd New York Officer — "you could have had no knowledge of the gravity of the charges pending when [he was] permitted to resign"
Archive of 8 Letters by Private Elisha P. Comstock, 34th New York & 186th New York — Hatcher's Run — Petersburg — Draft dodgers "never had ought to be permitted to come under the flag they deserted"
1865 Advertisements for Cooke & Abercrombie, "Agents for the Speedy Settlement of Officers' Accounts"
1891 Letter by Samuel N. Collins, 1st North Carolina, to General George H. Steuart, Requesting Travel Assistance to Attend Unveiling of Stonewall Jackson Monument at Virginia Military Institute
1865 General Orders No. 50 — Army of the James — Court Martial of Assistant Surgeon Ernest Sallman, 5th Pennsylvania Cavalry
1862 Telegraph Message Signed by Colonel Benjamin F. Smith and then-Captain Wesley Merritt — "Is the 126th Ohio still camped at North Mountain?"
Archive of Letters by Lieutenant Miles T. Jones, 85th New York & 160th New York — Manassas, Washington Fire, Losing a Gunboat, & More
1864 Letter by 26th Massachusetts Soldier — First Battle of Deep Bottom — "we were within one hundred yards of the breastworks at the front what the rebs call Ben Butler’s Slaughter Pen"
1863 Letter by Captain George W. Smith, 6th New York Heavy Artillery, Recommending Officer for Promotion — Endorsement Signed by Brigadier General William H. Morris
1863 War Department General Orders No. 224 — Government Case Against Daniel Able Annulled in Memphis, Tennessee
February 1863 Letter by Colonel Oliver Hazard Palmer, 108th New York — "I have worked up my courage to the sticking point and this morning presented my papers to the Sec of War asking to be relieved"
1863 War Department General Orders No. 12 — Captain George T. Woodson, 16th US Infantry, "is hereby dismissed the service of the United States"
March 1865 Letter by Corporal John F. Hutchison, 209th Pennsylvania — Days before Fort Stedman — "there will be something done before long, as the sutler and all the mechanics are ordered to the rear"
1864 Letter by Private Charles T. Moody, 5th New Hampshire — Second Battle of Deep Bottom — "the old 2nd Army Corps had once more done its duty in driving the enemy"
1840 Annual Militia Return for Medford, Massachusetts — Names of 481 Local Men Enrolled
May 1865 General Orders No. 7 — Military Division of the James — Civil Offices Responsible to Military Authorities in Immediate Postwar Richmond
1863 ALS by Brigadier General Hector Tyndale — Aftermath of Gettysburg Campaign — Capture of Rebel on "whose person was found a large pocket book and some papers belonging to Major Genl. John Pope"
1864 Letter by Lieut. Valentine H. Voorhies, 13th New York Heavy Artillery — Assigned to Gunboat "Reno" on Neuse River — Signed by Generals Innis N. Palmer and Edward Harland
1864 Letter by Col. Alfred P. Rockwell, 6th Connecticut — Battle of Darbytown and New Market Roads — "the enemy fell back rapidly without further fighting...satisfied that we were too strong for him"
[1862] Letter by Captain Claude Gibson, while Organizing Gibson's Louisiana Battery — "only the officers are sufficiently drilled in Battery maneuvers to appear on parade & inspection"
Archive of 1862 Letters by First Lieutenant Abraham Young, 101st Pennsylvania Volunteers — Siege of Yorktown
1864 Request for Leave by Future Medal of Honor Recipient George E. Albee, 1st U.S. Sharpshooters & 36th Wisconsin — Signed by Colonel Adrian R. Root, 94th New York
1862 Discharge Certificate for Private William H. Benedict, 26th Ohio Volunteers — Twice Signed by General John F. Miller as Colonel of 29th Indiana
1863 Letter by Captain George W. Hindes, Commanding 96th New York, Requesting Promotion for Sergeant Henry C. Buckman — Signed by Brigadier General Lewis C. Hunt
1862 Letter by Private Harlan P. Martin, 7th New York Cavalry — "The troops across the river expect a battle every day…and all the regiments this side of the River are under marching orders"
November 1863 Letter by Colonel Charles C. Crews, 2nd Georgia Cavalry, to General Joseph Wheeler's Staff Regarding Courier Line from Guntersville to Army of Tennessee Headquarters
1863 Letter by Sergeant Bruce Elmore, 143rd New York — Battle of Wauhatchie — "Our Regt was lightly engaged. Had 6 or 7 men wounded, one mortally"
1865 Letter by Pvt J. H. Mandeville, 140th NY — On Meeting Gen Robert Anderson: "I saw the hero of Fort Sumter & had 15 minutes talk with him. He is a very kind and approachable man.”
Excellent Small Letter and Document Archive of Lieutenant John Kelt, 2nd Connecticut and 21st Massachusetts Infantry
1864 Letters to Retired General William K. Strong Concerning the Dismissal of His Son, Captain Marcellus G. V. Strong, from Rosecran's Department of Missouri
Army of the James April 13, 1865, General Order Assigning General Benjamin C. Ludlow to Command District of the Peninsula
Early Ohio Militia Document Related to Election and Resignation of Captain Addison Hunt of Geauga County, Signed by General James H. Paine
1862 Treasury Department Letter to Marine Corps Paymaster, Major William W. Russell - Regarding Dismissal of Marine Lieutenant George W. Cummins
Handbill Advertising 1862 Dance Hosted by Company K, 3rd Massachusetts in West Bridgewater, Mass.
Lot of 3 Prewar U.S. Navy Pay Receipts for J. M. LaBarte, 1856-1858
1863 Union War Department General Orders No. 182 - Rules for when Regiment Falls Below Minimum Number
1863 Order - Drill Schedule for General David B. Birney's Division - Captain J. C. Briscoe