1864 Telegraph Message by Colonel Abraham H. Ryan, 3rd Arkansas (Union) Cavalry — "If the [steamer] Coursin arrives today, can she be unloaded here to take the Wisconsin Regt down?"
1864 Telegraph Message by Colonel Abraham H. Ryan, 3rd Arkansas (Union) Cavalry — "If the [steamer] Coursin arrives today, can she be unloaded here to take the Wisconsin Regt down?"
Item No. 0360537
River transportation is requested in this April 1864 telegraph message by Colonel Abraham H. Ryan of the 3rd Arkansas (Union) Cavalry. Ryan was the commanding officer at Lewisburg on the Arkansas River. His message requests if the steamer Ben Coursin can “be unloaded here to take the Wisconsin Regt down.” He continues, “We have not land transportation to let them have, or is there any in the Country to press.” The message is written upon a pre-printed sheet under the heading, “U.S. Military Telegraph.” It measures about 5 1/4” x 8 1/2”. Creased at the original folds. Chip along bottom edge. The full message reads:
Apl 15 1864
By Telegraph from Lewisburg
To Commodore L. Richardson
Navy Str Hd Haines or Ben Coursin in sight this A.M. Don’t know what has become of Maj. Smith. Understand he took cabin passage on the Coursin. If the Coursin arrives today can she be unloaded here to take the Wisconsin Regt down? We have not land transportation to let them have, or is there any in the Country to press. Answer soon as possible.
A. H. Ryan
Col Cmdg Post